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Proposed models for reporting incidents in aged care released


A government-commissioned report recommends a broader range of reportable incidents in aged care and outlines five options for a new serious incident scheme, three of which apply across all settings.

The federal government released the KPMG-developed report Strengthening protections for older Australians – Development of models and options for a Serious Incident Response Scheme for Commonwealth-funded aged care service providers on Friday.

Aged care minister Ken Wyatt announced in April 2018 that options for a Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) would be developed for the reporting and investigation of alleged incidents of abuse and neglect in aged care following recommendations the previous year from both the Australian Law Reform Commission’s inquiry into elder abuse and the Carnell-Paterson Review.

The report was informed by these reviews and a consultation with more than 130 aged care stakeholders from provider and care peak bodies and representative from aged care organisations and the workforce.

To read the full article, please visit the website.

Sandy Cheu, 2019, Australian Ageing Agenda (

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