Published 8th August 2019
The first round of National Disability Insurance Scheme data, collected by the National Disability Insurance Agency, showed employment opportunities for people with disability continues to disappoint.
Australia’s performance in terms of people with disability being able to get a job is poor at best, putting Australia 21 out of 29 OECD countries, National Disability Services (NDS) acting CEO, David Moody told F2L.
“A detailed report on employment outcomes for NDIS participants, though not new (data is from a 2018 Participant Outcomes report), indicates that the proportion of NDIS participants in paid employment has remained steady from 2016 to 2018, at 22 per cent, while 31 per cent of working-age participants have a work-related goal in their plan,” he said. “These figures identify the challenges involved in improving the employment outcomes for NDIS participants, and we welcome the announcement by the NDIA Board of a 32 per cent employment target for people with disability.
To read the full article, please visit the website.
Source:Kymberly Martin, 2019, Freedom2Live (
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