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Outside the Box

Disability housing and the disability workforce are two of the biggest concerns facing the disability sector. That’s why National Disability Services is hosting Outside the Box – a national two-day conference.

Day One will unpack all things accommodation, including: how the tension between choice and ‘reasonable and necessary’ in the NDIS is playing out; aligning housing supply with demand; managing competing interests and innovation in housing and support.

On Day Two, we turn our attention to the disability workforce – planning and preparing for the changes needed to build the workforce the NDIS requires.

This event will interest CEOs, senior managers and HR professionals from disability service providers as well as property developers with an interest in Specialist Disability Accommodation. Save the date to join with colleagues from across Australia as we tackle these topics together.


Mon 10 Sep 2018 - Tue 11 Sep 2018
Tue 11: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Mon 10: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


SMC Conference and Function Centre, 66 Goulburn Street, Sydney


Registration includes all conference sessions, morning and afternoon teas, lunches, a delegate satchel, conference program and trade exhibition entry. The conference cocktail function is not included in the registration cost.

Register online now at

Registrations for this conference will close at 5pm on Wed, 5 September.


Early Bird Full Registration* $475
Standard Full Registration $520
Standard Day Registration $270

Group Registration** $475*


Early Bird Full Registration* $570
Standard Full Registration $620
Standard Day Registration $320


Early Bird Full Registration* $680

Standard Full Registration $740
Standard Day Registration $385

(all prices are per person and include GST)

* Early Bird rate applies to registrations and payments received by Friday, 10 August.

** Group rate is per person and applies to 4 or more delegates attending the conference from the same NDS member organisation. If minimum requirements are not met for the group rate, an additional invoice will be issued for the difference between the full registration and the group rate.

Participation Requirements

If you have any participation requirements (e.g., special diet, hearing loop, interpreters, large print program) please inform us by Friday, 27 July to ensure availability.

Delegates will need to organise their own personal support. The venue is wheelchair accessible.


When: 5.30pm – 7.00pm
Date: Monday, 10 September
Venue: SMC Conference and Function Centre
Cost: $65 per person


Name Alyssa Mason
Phone 02 9284 2888
Link Disability housing and the disability workforce are two of the biggest concerns facin

Created 9th July 2018

Reads 2930