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NSW AccessibleToilet map and app


Everyone needs to "go" at some stage, but for people with disabilities, they can't just use any toilet. Some people even need to plan their outing in such a way that they know where they can find an accessible WC facility if they need to, which can limit where they would like to go, which cafes they meet their friends or where they can go for entertainment. Unfortunately many places are still not wheelchair accessible. 

The National Public Toilet Map (NPTM) provides the location of more than 16,000 publicly available toilets across Australia. It also shows the open hours, if there are shower facilities, baby change tables and the location of accessible toilets. It's very useful for people with a disability, however there are still many accessible toilets still not on this map.

Spinal Cord Injuries Australia (SCIA) is in the process of adding previously undiscovered accessible toilets to the map. They are also extending the information available such as whether it has a left or right hand transfer or the type of door opening plus when possible, inluding photos of the approach to the toilets. They hope to provide as much information as possible so people can see whether the toilet is suitable for their requirements. They are also providing information and encouragement to toilet owners on best practice for accessible toilets. Unfortunately they have found that some owners sometimes use the assessible toilets as a storage space or the pathway to it  may have obstacles.

SCIA have been approaching businesses, local government and disability organisations and people generally in the community to help find and visit the toilets, gather data, educate the owners when needed, and take photos.

If you are interested in helping out, please email Kelly McCann on 

If you would like to visit the map, go to: 

Here is also a link to the Apple store if you would like to download the app.

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