Published 23rd June 2020
From June 2020, all aged care assessment and delivery services now have access to free sign language and interpreting services to support older Australians who are deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing to access or engage with Australian Government funded aged care services.
Face-to-face sign language interpreting and Video Remote Interpreting services are available to support clients to engage with:
Sign language services are available in Auslan, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages, American Sign Language, International Sign Language, and Signed English for deaf consumers or consumers who are hard of hearing, and tactile signing and hand over hand for deafblind consumers.
These new sign language interpreting services will support older Australians to better engage and fully participate in their aged care services.
Please note, all aged care providers and assessment organisations are on a list of authorised users to access the free sign language interpreting services. When your organisation contacts the sign language interpreting service for the first time to organise an appointment for a client, further information about your organisation will be collected to fully register your organisation on the booking platform.
Once registered you will receive a booking code which can be used each time you book an interpreting service. Bookings can be made on behalf of your clients through Auslan Connection’s booking service. Contact details are below:
Auslan Connections
call centre: 1300 010 877
facsimile: 07 3892 8511
SMS: 0407 647 591
Please note that it is strongly advised that, when possible, bookings be made well in advance to ensure the availability of an interpreter. Further information will be made available on the department’s website shortly.
Source:Unknown Author, 2020, Department of Health
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