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New planning guidelines and resources


We have released new information about how we make decisions and how you can use your NDIS funding for certain supports and services.
Our Guidelines:

  • Creating your Plan: this explains what participants can expect from us when we create their plan, what happens during their planning conversation and how they can prepare
  • Reasonable and Necessary: this explains how we make decisions about funding for reasonable and necessary supports
  • Your Plan: this explains what happens when the plan is approved and how participants can start using their plan

“Would we fund it?”: this is a catalogue that tells you when we might fund or not fund a particular support.

We have also published ‘Principles we follow to create your plan’ to help you understand how we make decisions about which supports we can fund in your plan.
These new resources help us deliver on our commitment in the Participant Service Improvement Plan to provide more clarity around how we make decisions, and to be transparent in our decision making. We are continuing to provide regular training to our staff to support their decision-making.
We know how important it is to create a plan that provides the right supports for you – that’s why we want to make our decision-making as consistent, transparent and accessible as possible.  
The new format guidelines do not make any changes to the planning process. Instead, they explain our existing processes in more detail.

Unknown Author, 2021, National Disability Services (

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