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New design standard puts NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation on solid foundations


The NDIA wish to update you on the announcement of new Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) initiatives by the Minister for the National Disability and Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Stuart Robert, today. See Media Release.

These new initiatives will drive growth and innovation in the SDA market and reflect the Government’s commitment to implementing the recommendations of the review of the SDA Pricing and Payments Framework conducted in 2018. The initiatives include:

  • SDA Design Standard – which provides clarity for SDA design requirements and introduces a process for pre-certification at the planning stage, which over time, will become mandatory in order for a new build dwelling to meet the criteria for enrolment as SDA.
  • SDA Innovation Plan – which will promote development of new, high quality, fit-for-purpose and innovative housing aligned to participants’ goals and outcomes.
  • SDA Limited Cost Assumptions Review – which will result in increases to a number of price limits for certain SDA categories and locations to further stimulate supply where required.

The NDIA in consultation with the Department of Social Services and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission has led these initiatives through a collaborative approach with the SDA Reference Group, the Independent Advisory Council and other key stakeholders including participants and providers.

The initiatives will help the burgeoning SDA market to expand and enable investors, developers and providers to be confident in building SDA that is aligned to the needs and preferences of participants who need SDA.

Minister, 2019, NDIS (

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