The NDIS is hosting a live, interactive webinar focussed on assistive technology (AT) on June 20, 2019.
The FREE webinar is a great opportunity for participants, their families and carers to directly ask questions about AT to a panel of subject matter experts. Participants can find out about recent changes to AT processes and resources, how to prepare for an upcoming planning meeting where AT is needed, and how to escalate urgent AT issues with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).
The panel will include NDIA staff and sector representatives with substantial experience with the NDIS.
Registrations now open via NDIS website – webinars page
How do you join in?
You can join the conversation from wherever you are by watching the webinar online.
Send us your questions before the webinar, or during the event by using the ‘live chat’ option.
It’s free to watch and includes Auslan interpreters and live captions.
If you can’t join on the day, a recording of the webinar (including a transcript) will be published on the NDIS website.To join in on the conversation, and for information about the webinar visit:
Once registered, you will be sent further details about how to log onto the live event.
To register click here.
For more information email:
Thu 20 Jun 2019, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Name NDISEmail NDIS Webinar – Assistive Technology Talk wheelchairs aids and devices
Created 13th June 2019
Reads 2662