Published 18th August 2020
New support items have been introduced so providers can claim for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used when delivering face-to-face supports assisting participants with daily living in New South Wales and Victoria.Providers and participants should discuss and agree on any pricing changes before they are applied.Participant plans won't be automatically adjusted; however, plan use will be monitored. If you are concerned about your situation please contact us on 1800 800 110 and select option 5.Providers are also able to request PPE through the Department of Health national stockpile.Remember if you need PPE items like face masks, face shields and gloves, and it is directly related to your face-to-face daily living supports and you live in Victoria or New South Wales, you can use your core supports budget to purchase these items.We have created an Easy Read guide that gives you more information on PPE, and makes it easier to understand buying what you need.Learn more.
The Department of Health and Human Services will be assisting vulnerable Victorians in metropolitan Melbourne with in-home testing to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).The Call-to-Test service will enable testing for COVID-19 at home with a qualified health clinician. The service will provide access for people who cannot leave home due to injury, mobility or other eligible reasons.Access more information about the Call-to-Test service here.
A support coordinator is a type of provider that can help you to understand and use the supports in your plan. Depending on your individual needs and goals, you may receive funding for support coordination.We want your feedback on support coordination through our review of the current support coordination service model. Visit our website to download the Support Coordination Discussion Paper and learn how to submit your feedback. Submissions are due by close of business Sunday 11:59pm AEDT 13 September 2020.
To make sure participants are receiving the essential supports they need during this time, we are conducting participant check-ins.We will call you to check that you can still access supports in your NDIS plan during the COVID-19 outbreak. If your situation has changed, we will organise a time with you to do a plan review.Calls may occur outside usual business hours and will be from a private number.If you think you may have been contacted by someone wrongly claiming to be from the NDIS, please contact us by emailing or calling 1800 800 110.
We are working closely with the wider disability sector to provide specific information packs to support them through the COVID-19 outbreak.We have collated information on key topics and for different situations to support NDIS participants and their families.Information packs and new FAQs are available with information to help families and carers manage plans, supports and education arrangements during COVID-19 restrictions.The packs are available here.
New information about Supported Independent Living (SIL) is available on our website.This includes a new SIL Participant Information Pack. The pack has useful information about how SIL works, planning, other home and living support options, service agreements and support coordination. The pack is also available in Easy Read.We’re working to improve how SIL works and give you better information so you can use your NDIS funding to set up support in your home.
Healthy Mind is a new website designed to help people with Intellectual Disability (ID) to recognise and regulate their thoughts and feelings.
The Black Dog Institute worked with people who had lived experience with intellectual disabilities to ensure that the website is designed to suit the needs of its users.
Visit the Healthy Mind website.
CultureReady workshops help disability service providers work more effectively with people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds.The free workshops cover areas such as engaging CALD communities, recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce and much more.More information about workshops and training is available here.
Source:Unknown Author, 2020, National Disability Services
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