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NDIS latest news


Progress on our Participant Service Improvement Plan

We want to update you on our progress on the Participant Service Improvement Plan, that sets out how we are improving the Scheme over the next two years. We have been making progress on many of our promises, and have now completed 12 of 51 improvements, which include things like:

  • Putting the name of a real person on our letters to you
  • A simple and quick process when you need to make minor changes to your plan – it won’t require a full “review”
  • An NDIS carer connect network for ageing parents of people with a disability.

Learn more about the completed improvements and our commitments to a further 39.


Extended COVID-19 support coordinator measures 

Support coordination line items claimable under a participant’s Core budget will continue until 31 March 2021. Beyond this date, support coordination will continue to be available to all participants who have a reasonable and necessary need for it and can be claimed from their Capacity Building budget.

While the flexibility to fund support coordination services from core budget was due to end on 28 February 2021 - we acknowledge that a further period of transition will assist those participants still utilising this temporary measure to better manage their supports, as COVID normal services resume.

Participants who were not using this support during COVID-19 should not commence using this support during this transition period.

Learn more.

Unknown Author, 2021, NDIS (

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