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M-Enabling Australasia 2013

Mobile technology is a potential game changer for people with disability and many older people; providing access and inclusion through usable, accessible and affordable mobile equipment and services.

M-Enabling Australasia 2013 will provide attendees with the opportunity to hear from mobile service providers, developers, manufacturers, regulators, policy makers and organisations representing people with disability and older people. The event includes a stimulating program of speakers and panels discussing the current and future trends in accessible mobile technology, as well as a showcase of the latest innovations addressing the specific needs of people with disability and older people.

The conference will feature local and international experts on accessible technologies, mobile service providers, developers, manufacturers, retail and business groups, regulators, policymakers, and organisations representing people with disability and older people.
Mobile technology is a potential game changer for people with disability and many older people, providing access and inclusion through usable and affordable mobile equipment and services. People with disability and older people represent a large proportion of the Australian population. In 2009, four million people (almost 20 per cent of the population) reported having a disability. In 2011, more than three million Australians were aged 65 or over. The opportunities for people with disability and older people, as well as all parties involved in developing, manufacturing and providing these technologies and services are significant.



Telephone: 02 9288 4000

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Wed 14 Aug 2013 8:30 AM - Thu 15 Aug 2013 4:00 PM


Australian Technology Park
Conference Centre Theatre
2 Locomotive Street




Phone Telephone: 02 9288 4000
Link -

Created 11th June 2013

Reads 2827