You are invited to attend the 2018 Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) Tri-State Conference: 'Disrupt, Innovate & Thrive'.
Disruption is taking place across all industries, including the aged care sector. To thrive, business models must evolve and be more creative in their pursuit of quality, growth and new revenue streams.
LASA's 2018 Tri-State Conference program will provide practical solutions, empowering practitioners to deliver high quality, innovative aged care services that can thrive in a consumer-driven, market-based aged care system.
Sun 4 Feb 2018 2:30 PM - Tue 6 Feb 2018 1:30 PM
Albury Entertainment Centre
525 Swift Street, Albury, New South Wales, 2640, Australia
click here
Name events@lasa.asn.auLink -
Created 29th January 2018
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