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IPC Lead Reporting Now Available


Residential Aged Care Providers can now report their Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) leads in the My Aged Care Provider Portal.

An Aged Care Organisation Administrator or an Outlet Administrator can assign, update and view the IPC Lead Contact from the Outlet page. Administrators must obtain and make a record of consent obtained from the IPC Lead to submit their details. Further guidance on how to use the reporting functionality is available in the My Aged Care – Provider Portal User Guide: Part 2 Team Leader and Staff Member Functions.

If your facility is a NATSIFAC service then different reporting arrangements apply, please see the reporting form for NATSIFAC providers.

The Department has received several queries regarding the need to have an onsite, dedicated IPC lead for each facility. To provide further clarity around these issues we note the following:

  • The individual must work from the facility location. The role cannot be filled by an individual working remotely and visiting the location to conduct IPC reviews.
  • An individual can only be the IPC lead for one facility. They can continue to perform shifts at other locations in their normal nursing capacity.
  • There is no set requirement regarding the hours of work or FTE of an IPC lead. The role is expected to vary based on factors such as service size and offering, the IPC lead’s other duties and the extent to which IPC duties are driven by the IPC lead or with the support of others.
  • IPC lead shifts do not have to be solely focused on IPC work, although providers may choose to have this arrangement.

Further information on the IPC Lead requirement is available on the Department's website.

Unknown Author, 2020, Department of Health

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