Published 20th November 2014
My Choice Matters is hosting a Picnic in the Park on Wednesday 3rd December 2014 to celebrate International Day of People with Disability. We will have games, food, crafty activities and prizes - so it is sure to be a fun day out! We would love it is you were available to drop by and hang out with us as well as spread the word through your networks. The details are below: Venue: Victoria Park, Parramatta Rd, Broadway NSW 2008Date: Wednesday 3rd December 2014Time: 10 am - 3pm
Free 2hr parking in park opposite Myrtle Street - entry from City road heading south only or metered parking on City Road.
Link to map,+city+road,+Chippendale,+New+South+Wales&hl=en&sll=-33.872818,150.990446&sspn=0.493143,0.990143&hq=Victoria+park,&hnear=City+Rd,+Chippendale+New+South+Wales+2008&t=m&z=17
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