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Information for the Aged Care Sector Issue 2021/2


Updated Home Care Packages Program Manuals now available

The department has updated the Home Care Packages Program Manuals (the Manuals):

The revised Manuals include updated web links and minor wording changes. In addition, the Provider Manual includes further information on Improved Payment Arrangements and the Aged Care Provider Portal.

Free trial of PainChek® tool: three months left to sign up

The Australian Government is funding a 12 month national trial of the PainChek® pain assessment tool for residential aged care providers. The tool aims to improve pain diagnosis and management in residents with dementia18More than 900 Australian residential aged care facilities are already benefiting from the use of PainChek®, a medical device in the form of an App for smartphones. The App uses artificial intelligence to assess pain levels in residents who are unable to communicate, including those with dementia.

There are only three months left to sign up to the 12 month free trial. You can complete your expression of interest on the PainChek® website.

Unknown Author, 2021, Department of Health (

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