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Home Modifications: There's an iphone or ipad app for that


Toby Johnstone of fairfax media did a review that was published in last Sunday's Sydney Morning Herald's domain section. this was Toby's take on the 10 of the best apps for renovating. Many of these apps are equally useful for home modification work.

To see Toby's list of apps and his video explianing why they are good please go and view hios article at

Personally, I think that MagicPlan (free), Dulux MyColour (free) and iHandy Carpenter are particularly useful I've personally used IHandy carpenter for measuring ramp gradiant and would recommend it and for those wanting a local quote the Builder App puts renovators in contact with both tradies and suppliers it's ''get quotes'' function, which sends out a message to all the relevant tradies and suppliers within 25 kilometres sounds like it might be very handy if a client was self-funding all or part of the work.

Catherine Bridge

The Home Modification Information Clearinghouse or 1800 305 486 number if you have any further queries

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