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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice
Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice
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Home Modifications for People in the Bariatric Range - Half Day Workshop

The workshop on home modifications for people in the bariatric range aims to provide occupational therapy practitioners and people working in the building industry with:

- Knowledge about broad principles for evaluating the product and design requirements of people in the bariatric range

- Practical information on the process of measuring the person, their carer and equipment

- Practical information on the process of measuring the existing home environment

- Practical information on design solutions

- Information about resources to assist clinical practice

- Opportunity to discuss and problem solve case scenarios from their own work setting


Fri 4 Apr 2014, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM


LifeTec Qld, Corner of Enoggera Road and Newmarket Road, Newmarket, Brisbane, Qld 


See for registration form and pricing


Name Liz Ainsworth
Phone 0408 781 554

Created 22nd January 2014

Reads 2897