A two-day basic workshop specifically targeted at occupational therapists new to the clinical area will include:
Theories behind practice,
anthropometrical measurement for design,
basic grab rail and handrail installation,
step design and minor ramping,
basic bathroom modifications,
the role of the building code for design purposes,
terminology and documentation.
Mon 4 Apr 2022 8:30 AM - Tue 5 Apr 2022 4:30 PM
Pagoda Ballroom, Pagoda Resort, 112 Melville Parade, Como, Western Australia
Early bird before 4/2/22
Member $400.00
Rural/ remote member $300.00
Non-members $790.00
Student $200.00
Standard rate after 4/2/22
Member $500.00
Rural/remote member $370.00
Student $250.00
Name WA Occupational Therapy AssociationLink https://waota.com.au/event/home-modifications-basic-2022/
Created 9th December 2021
Reads 2049