Published 8th July 2021
As we plan for the future of the NDIS we want your feedback to ensure it works for you.We are undertaking two consultation processes to inform the development of a Home and Living policy and Support for Decision Making policy.We are seeking feedback from participants, nominees, families and carers, as well as providers and stakeholders in a range of different ways including, but not limited to, an online survey, online information sessions and targeted workshops with participants with complex communications needs.Through a wide variety of consultation activities, we aim to build a deep understanding of the key topics and issues that need to be addressed in the Home and Living and Support for Decision Making policy.To get the consultation started, we are seeking feedback on two consultation papers via online surveys on our website:
To make a submission visit the Have your say page on our website.You can submit your feedback in a number of formats, including audio and video files: PDF, DOCX, MP3, MOV, AVI.Submissions are open until 5PM AEST 27 August 2021.
Source:Unknown Author, 2021, NDIS (
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