Australians aged 55 and over lost $39 million to online scammers in 2017, more than every other age group combined*. It serves as a reminder that the internet is a wonderful place to explore and connect, but it pays to be savvy.
This May, the Office of the eSafety Commissioner will be hosting online presentations to help older Australians stay safe online. Our eSafety expert will focus on the most common scams targeting older Australians, provide tips on how to spot them, what to do or not do and who to speak to when you need help. Plus, where to find more safety topics on the Be Connected site.
The presentation is designed to help arm older Australians, and those who work closely with them, with the knowledge and confidence to recognise a scam when they see one.
Booking information
*Source: ACCC.
Mon 14 May 2018, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Created 10th May 2018
Reads 3560