Published 6th October 2022
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants will have faster, easier access to minor home modifications, Minister for the NDIS, the Hon. Bill Shorten announced in September 2022.
Minister Shorten said home and living supports remained a focus of the Government and was a key issue discussed at recent meetings with state and territory disability ministers.
The Australian Government and National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is taking action to simplify the process for participants seeking minor, non-structural modifications to their home.
“Participants and their families and carers have told us the process to get these minor home mods is too complicated and too long. It is just common sense to look at what we’re doing to see how we can make it easier.
“This new process will mean less red-tape for NDIS participants and their families, and faster access to minor works they need done to allow them to live safely and more independently in their homes,” Minister Shorten said.
“The process will be more transparent and will make it easier for the NDIA to progress these requests, meaning participants won’t have to worry about delays with chasing up quotes, and can instead get on with modifying their home and living their lives.”
Previously, participants seeking any home modifications were required to provide the NDIA with at least one quote from a builder, as well as the recommendations from a home modification assessor, such as a specially qualified occupational therapist.
Eligible NDIS participants will no longer need to go through protracted NDIA processes for minor, non-structural modifications that cost under $20,000.
When the NDIA agrees on the modifications required, the funds will then be available for participants to find a suitable provider to complete the modifications within the budget. The NDIA will also publish on its website the funding it will provide for a range of minor home modifications – based on market rates in the different locations where participants live. This will help NDIS participants to find the best deal with providers.
“This new process will help streamline the approach for minor home modification requests,” Minister Shorten said.
“The Agency will continue working with participants and others in the home modification sector to also deliver better and quicker outcomes for those with more complex home modification needs.”
Details about these changes are available on the NDIS website.
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