Published 6th January 2020
This document has been prepared to give all designers a better understanding of the key areas of hospital operations and how hospitals function which will assist designers to achieve improved fire safety and hospital design outcomes. It is hoped that fire safety engineers and building surveyors, as well as all other designers who have to address fire safety design issues, will benefit from this guide.
Download the guide here.
This technical paper considers options for vertical evacuation of vulnerable persons in the event of fire or other emergency.
Download the paper here.
This technical paper explores the implications for fire safety as the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is rolled out, and potential approaches the maximise the effectiveness of NDIS funding.
This paper describes a semi-quantitative bushfire risk assessment approach which can be applied to the assessment of existing and proposed buildings which house vulnerable persons.
Source:Unknown Author, 2020, Fire Protection Association Australia (
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