Published 16th June 2020
Consumers can now register with My Aged Care and apply for their first assessment online, or on behalf of someone else, by using the apply for an assessment online form as an alternative to calling the My Aged Care contact centre.
Visit the My Aged Care website for information about how consumers can now apply for an assessment.
This new functionality will continue to be improved. Please encourage consumers to provide feedback via the onsite pop-up survey or Contact Us page of the My Aged Care website.
Older Australians can access short-term home support services (such as meals or personal care) through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) in an emergency without having had an aged care assessment. Clients who require long term or ongoing services will be supported by their CHSP provider to contact My Aged Care and arrange for a formal assessment of their care needs.
Please encourage patients to call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 if they require urgent assistance.
Please note for patients who require a My Aged Care assessment under urgent or non-urgent circumstances, in response to COVID-19 My Aged Care assessors are responding flexibly regarding conducting face-to-face assessments. Should the patient’s situation require it, assessors are able to conduct telephone or telehealth assessments.
The Specialist Dementia Care Program (SDCP) supports people with severe behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia who cannot be cared for in a mainstream aged care facility.
Under the SDCP, a prototype unit began operation in Inglewood, Perth in September 2019. As a result of the SDCP’s first funding round a further nine units are opening between January and July 2020. These units are in eight Primary Health Network regions.
Referrals can now be made via the online form on the Dementia Support Australia website to the SDCP units in:
We will provide details about the remaining units, in North West Melbourne, in due course.
For more information and eligibility requirements please visit the department’s website.
The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) and Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) are hosting eight free webinars on the services available to veterans and their families.
Please join us for all eight webinars in the series or for the ones that are of interest to you. When you register you will receive instructions about how to access the webinar on the day.
Attend this webinar, to understand:
Register now
For further information:
DVA website or call 1800 550 457 8am-5pm (AEST) M-F. OPAN website or call 1800 700 600 8am-8pm (AEST) M-F
Source:Unknown Author, 2020, Department of Health
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