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COVID-19 Update to aged care providers in WA, ACT and NSW - 27 April 2021


Western Australia

The Western Australian government has extended the period under the Visitors to Residential Aged Care Facilities (Stay at Home and Closure (Perth, Peel and Rottnest)) Directions. These Directions are expected to be in place until 12.01am on 1 May 2021.

All providers are encouraged to review these Directions and stay up to date with any changes as they occur.


New South Wales

The screening advice for residential aged and home care services has been updated for 23 April 2021 on the following web pages:

The key messages for this update are:

  • The restriction for staff and visitors who have been to Western Australia close or casual contact venues in the last 14 days.
  • Visitors are restricted from entry to residential aged care, disability and home care services if they have been to Perth or the Peel region Western Australia since 17 April 2021


Australian Capital Territory

The ACT Chief Health Officer has updated ACT COVID-19 advice, amending geographical areas of risk to include all local government areas in the Perth and Peel regions of WA from 17 April 2021.

A number of new exposure sites have been identified in Perth and Peel regions in WA from 17 April 2021, and at Melbourne airport in Victoria on 21 April 2021. Anyone who has visited these exposure sites is required to get tested for COVID-19 and isolate until receiving a negative result.

Travel restrictions for people travelling from Perth and Peel regions to the ACT came into effect at 8am Saturday 24 April until at least 02:01am Tuesday 27 April.

The COVID-19 situation can change rapidly and as such, advice for high-risk settings is subject to change regularly. You can stay up to date through the ACT Health Chief Health Officer alerts.


State and territory aged care COVID-19 information

Your state or territory has the latest information on COVID-19 for your local area. Make sure you stay up to date on visitor restrictions, PPE requirements and other measures relating to COVID-19 in aged care.

Unknown Author, 2021, Department of Health (

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