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Consultation on the review of the National Disability Advocacy Framework (NDAF)


The Australian Government, together with state and territory governments is reviewing the current National Disability Advocacy Framework (NDAF) to ensure it continues to meet the needs of people with disability in a changing disability environment.

The development of the NDAF was originally endorsed by Ministers in 2012. It is guided by the principles and priorities of Commonwealth, State and Territory Disability Services legislation, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the National Disability Strategy. 

The review will enable the NDAF to incorporate developments since 2012 such as the roll out of the NDIS and changes to the National Disability Agreement.

The Australian Government Department of Social Services is leading the consultation on the review of NDAF and has developed a discussion paperReview of National Disability Advocacy Framework in consultation with jurisdictions.  An easy read version of the discussion paper is also available  

Service providers and other stakeholders are encouraged to participate in the consultation process and are also encouraged to discuss the review of the NDAF with their clients, members and target group they represent.

How you can get involved?

Service Providers and Disability Advocates can visit to download the discussion paper and to find out how you can participate in the consultation by making a submission online.

The consultation period is open until 24 July 2015.

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