Published 17th June 2015
On Monday the Assistant Minister for Social Services, Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield, made two important announcements regarding extended funding arrangements for the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and the CHSP fees policy.
Media Release from The Australian Government Department of Social Services:
The Minister announced a further 12-month extension of CHSP funding ― to 30 June 2018. (This builds on the December 2014 funding announcement, which stated that funding would go through to 30 June 2017). This ensures three years of funding certainty for the overwhelming majority of CHSP providers who provide ongoing support services for older Australians. It also coincides with the timing of broader reforms recently announced as a part of the 2015 federal budget.
Taking on board community feedback and in light of the Budget announcement to put new home care arrangements in place from 2018 it has been decided not to proceed with a national fees policy with a mandatory fees schedule from 1 July 2015. Instead, a fees framework which outlines principles providers can adopt in setting and implementing their fees, leading to greater consistency and fairness, will be established. This means that providers can move their fee-charging practices towards a nationally consistent approach over time. The Department will also work with the sector to develop a national guide for providers and consumers which describes the current varying fee arrangements in order to make them more transparent. The Department will work in partnership with the National Aged Care Alliance (NACA) and peak bodies such as the Australian Meals on Wheels Association to settle a principle-based policy for release in July 2015.
For further information on these two important announcements please go to
For more information on the CHSP please visit
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