Published 8th August 2011
Caring for Older Australians Public inquiry
This inquiry has concluded.
The final report was released on 8 August 2011.
In undertaking the inquiry, the Commission had developed options for further structural reform of the aged care system so it can meet the challenges facing it in coming decades. In particular, the Commission has:
• examined the social, clinical and institutional aspects of aged care in Australia, building on the substantial base of existing reviews into this sector
• addressed the interests of special needs groups
• developed regulatory and funding options for residential and community aged care (including the Home and Community Care program)
• examined the future workforce requirements of the aged care sector
• recommended a path for transitioning from the current regulatory arrangements to a new system that ensures continuity of care and allows the sector time to adjust
• examined whether the regulation of retirement specific living options should be aligned more closely with the rest of the aged care sector
• assessed the fiscal implications of any change in aged care roles and responsibilities.
In the course of the inquiry, the Commission consulted widely with older Australians, their carers, aged care providers, government agencies and other interested parties.
To go to the report website click here
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