Published 26th November 2018
Aged care organisations need to advocate for provider access to upload documents to residents’ My Health Records, a rural provider has told the sector’s national technology conference.
For 30-bed residential aged care provider Amaroo Aged Care in Berrigan in southern New South Wales, all residents having a My Health Record has helped address some of the challenges of providing care in a rural country town.
Earlier this year, Berrigan became the first town in Australia with all key healthcare providers connected to the national e-health system and using the My Health Record (read more here).
At the ITAC 2018 conference in Adelaide on Wednesday, Amaroo Aged Care general manager Andrea O’Neill called on the aged care industry to work together to get providers access to upload resident hospital transfer documents and care plans to the e-health system.
To read the full article, please visit the website.
Source:Sandy Cheu, 2018, Australian Ageing Agenda (
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