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Bidets and Installation Requirements


The Office for the Technical Regulator (OTR) SA issued a Plumbing Advisory Note regarding bidets. These are now classed as a ‘high hazard device’ meaning that they either have to be raised so that the outlet of the bidet sits above the top rim of the toilet by at least 25mm, or a high hazard backflow device is installed. The reason for this is that if the toilet fails, and floods, the water may flood the outlet and result in contaminated (‘black’) water entering the mains water through back siphonage.

A high hazard device (RPZD) is usually installed on the outer wall, depending on the layout of the house. Once installed, a plumber must complete a commissioning test and maintain checks every 12 months. These results must be sent to the Office of the Technical Regulator (SA). Domicilliary Equipment Services (DES) will take responsibility for coordinating the installation and ongoing maintenance with permission from the client, homeowner and funder of the bidet.

For more information about this article, please visit the website.

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