Published 24th January 2019
Australian Network for Universal Housing Design (ANUHD) is seeking best practice examples of universal design in housing (one interpretation is the Livable Housing Design Guidelines) that lead to “accessible and well designed communities with opportunity for full inclusion” (National Disability Strategy p. 29) either as a new dwelling, or a modification to an existing dwelling.
The page will be launched on our website in March 2019.
ANUHD will not be appraising these examples; rather, if they meet the criterion above, they will be available for website visitors to see what is being built in Australia.
Providing us with an example of the person’s work will publicise their design expertise in this area and assist people to contact them for further information.
If you know of a good example of universal housing, either as modification or new construction, we encourage you to complete the attached form or send to us directly by return email the following information:
Please see attached submission form.
Source:Margaret Ward, 2019, Australian Network for Universal Housing Design (
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