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Availability of the discipline specific core standard Promoting Respiratory Health for the use of physiotherapists


Clinical Innovation and Governance (CIG) with ADHC Directorates and Districts, and external partners, have developed Core Standards for practitioners who support people with a disability. 

These include a range of practitioners such as dieticians, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, behaviour support staff and nurses.

CIG would like to announce the release of the physiotherapy discipline specific core standard Promoting Respiratory Health.

Physiotherapists play a key role in promoting respiratory health for people with a disability.  This core standards covers:

• The physiotherapists role in preventative chest care

• Respiratory Assessment and supports

• Intersections between the community physiotherapist and other services in respiratory care.

Respiratory health may involve home modifications to reduce, allergens, mould mildew and generators to support assisted ventilation devices.

The materials for this core standard are available at

For further information please contact Alison Chung, Practice Leader Physiotherapy P: 9407 1562 E:

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