Published 9th March 2015
The Australian Building Code Board commissioned and has just relaesed a report on wheelchair spatial dimensions as a part of its dutry to inform the Minister for Industry and Science, in consultation with the Attorney-General, as a part of Section 6.1 of the Premises Standards provides which states that they are required to commence a review of the effectiveness of the Standards within four years of the commencement of the Standards. The Premises Standards adopt a mix of spatial dimensions to accommodate 80th and 90th percentile wheelchair sizes. The spatial dimensions are based on research that was undertaken in 1983. in response to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs inquiry into the Premises Standards, the Australian Government requested the ABCB to commission new research into the relevance of the dimensions.In response, the ABCB commissioned David Caple & Associates Pty Ltd, whose research report contains anthropometric data on a sample of Australian residents who utilise public spaces independently, using manual and powered wheelchairs and compares the building feature dimensions in the Premises Standards and its referenced Australian Standards. The research report will be considered as part of the review of the Premises Standards. Further reviews must be carried out every five years after the completion of the previous review.
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