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Australian Standards Online Webshop - New, Useful and Revised Standards:


The Australian Standards Online Shop has a series of standards available for purchase, some of which have had recent updates or modifications made, or are newly developed. All Australian, ISO and IEC standards can be downloaded here. Standards Australia is the peak non government standards body in Australia. The web-shop located on this site provides access to over 120,000 Australian and International Standards, with a 10% discount being applied to replica’s downloaded from the internet. In addition, Standards Australia offers a web based annual subscription service with continuous access to the standards you elect to include in your online portfolio, in addition to ‘Standardswatch’, a free email notification service of new and available standards in your interest areas. Details of some recently modified or updated standards follow: 


AS/NZS 1680.1: 2006: Interior and Workplace Lighting - General Principles and Recommendations 

This standard has been revised. Part one applies to interiors in which specific visual tasks are undertaken and takes into account both electric lighting and daylight. Although the standard is relevant for work places, it is a good guide for lighting in home environments. The new edition includes daylight values, an expanded section on glare, updated values in various tables and an expanded section on luminance limiting approach. 

AS 3806:2006: Compliance Programs

 This standard provides key principles for the development, implementation and maintenance of effective compliance programs within both public and private organisations. These principles help organisations identify and remedy any deficiencies in their process for compliance with laws, regulations and codes - and also develop processes for continual improvement.  

AS 4386.1:1996: Domestic Kitchen Assemblies, and it’s complimentary Handbook, HB 111:1998 

This Standard specifies the minimum requirements for the construction, durability, safety, ergonomics, strength, coordination of services and choice of components of fitted kitchen assemblies for use in domestic applications. It covers dimensions for unit/assembly heights, widths and depths as well as space requirements for units, appliances and fittings, in order to ensure that they fit together as elements of a kitchen assembly. The aim of the Handbook is to prepare consumers for the design process, to clarify their needs and desires and to enable them to present the kitchen designer with a clear outline, in the form of a design brief, to ensure that their expectations are met. 

The Australian Standards HB 205 – 2004 OHS Risk Management Handbook  

This handbook can assist organisations to prevent injury and disease by providing steps for implementing a risk management process. The handbook compliments AS/NZS 4360:2004, Risk Management, in that it incorporates a practical element to the principles of the risk management process addressed in the standard.  The Handbook expands upon the seven step risk management process recorded in AS/NZS 4360:2004: communicate and consult, establish the context, identify risks, analyse risks, evaluate risks, treat risks, and monitor and review. 

Healthcare Standards; now available on a CD containing 31 healthcare standards.  

Covering areas such as quality, sterilisation, security, records management and risk management, this CD can be purchased from the SAI Global Web-shop for a cost of $836.28 (members) and $1151.04 (non members), providing savings of $1211.43 and $1615.24 respectively.

 AS/NZS 2865:2001; Safe working in a confined space 

HB 213:2003; Guidelines for safe working in a confined space 

HB 161; New guide to plastering 

AS 1428; Design for Access and Mobility Series to provide the design requirements for people with disabilities 

HB 203:2006; Environmental Risk Management to enable informed decisions to be made regarding environmental issues and risk managementCorrect safety procedures can assist to reduce the hazards involved in welding. Standards Australia have a set of protocols and guidelines to aid in the correct implementation of welding processes, in order to minimise injury and maximise employee safety and security.

The AS/NZS 1554 Structural Steel Welding series includes guidance on procedures necessary for welding a variety of steel constructions. These protocols may be purchased on CD, PDF or as a Hardcopy.  A discount of 25% applies. $408.87 (members) - save $136.29; $545.16 (retail) - save $181.72

The AS/NZS 1554 Structural Welding Series includes the following standards: 

S/NZS 1554.1:2004 - Welding of steel structures

AS/NZS 1554.2:2003 - Stud welding (steel studs to steel) 

AS/NZS 1554.3:2002 - Welding of reinforcing steel

AS/NZS 1554.4:2004 - Welding of high strength quenched and tempered steel

AS/NZS 1554.5:2004 - Welding of steel structures subject to high levels of fatigue loading

AS/NZS 1554.6:1994 - Welding stainless steels for structural purposes

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