With the worldwide evolution of smart technology there are many dynamic factors affecting the access and use of assistive technology (AT). Australia is moving towards a National Disability Insurance Scheme and there is the potential for a widening gap in our ability to keep up‐to‐date with AT equipment, services, policies and funding that contribute to the inclusion and participation of people with a disability.
ARATA 2012 Conference: “Bridging the AT Gap”, will provide the opportunity for all stakeholders, including clinicians, therapists, educators, rehabilitation engineers, inventors, suppliers and consumers to meet in Sydney, to share knowledge, experience and expertise to help bridge the AT gap.
The ARATA 2012 Conference reflects ARATA's purpose to "serve as a forum for issues in rehabilitation and assistive technology" and it will highlight:
• Augmentative and Alternative Communication • Computer and Environmental Control Systems • Human Perspectives of Technology • Manufacture and Supply of Communication/Computer Assistive Technology • Service Delivery and Government Policy •Wheeled Mobility and Seating
Registration closing dates - Early bird: Friday 22 June 2012. Regular registration: Friday 20 July 2012.
Wed 22 Aug 2012 - Fri 24 Aug 2012 (All day)
Link -
Created 30th July 2012
Reads 3031