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Aged Care Royal Commission Terms of Reference


Prime Minister Scott Morrison yesterday announced the Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

This follows more than 5,100 submissions received from aged care consumers, families, carers, aged care workers, health professionals and providers.

The Royal Commission is a vital step for Australia to determine the full extent of the problems in aged care and to understand how we can meet the challenges and the opportunities of delivering aged care services now and into the future. It is also about helping to build a national culture of respect for ageing and our senior Australians.

The Honourable Justice Joseph McGrath and Ms Lynelle Briggs AO have been appointed Commissioners. Justice McGrath is a judge of the Supreme Court of Western Australia. Ms Briggs is a former Australian Public Service Commissioner.

The Royal Commission's interim report is to be provided by 31 October 2019, and its final report no later than 30 April 2020.

The Commission's Terms of Reference are included in the Letters Patent and is available on the Attorney-General's website.

Further information about the Royal Commission will be available soon on its new website.

Department of Health, 2018, Australian Government Department of Health (

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