Published 4th November 2014
The Brisbane City Botanic Gardens playground and facilities recently underwent a $2 million renovation and upgrade, making it Brisbane's newest all-abilities playground.
It's designed to provide recrational spaces for children of all abilities, giving univeral access and inclusion regardless of physical ability. The playground centerpiece provides double width wheelchair or pram access, which enables children and parents the opportunity to play and engage with peers and family. There are also sensory panels in the main access ramp which are to encourage motor and sensory skill development for children of all ages and abilities. Surrounding the playground is an array of popular all-abilities play equipment including family rockers, wheelchair accessible carousel and a sand pit. The most popular attaraction however, is the roller slide, which has been a big favourite with the children.
Brisbane City Council is the largest local government in Australia, and has delivered playground upgrades to 32 parks accross Brisbane, with at least one all-abilities upgrade in each of the city's 26 wards since 2011.
To see images of the park please go to:
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