The Qld Home Modification Discussion Group Meetings for 2018 will held from 10.00am – 12noon at LifeTec Australia, cnr Newmarket Road and Reading Road, Newmarket, Brisbane on the dates listed below. The first meeting will be on the 3rd of March, 2018.
Objectives for each meeting –
There will be guest speakers featured at each meeting.
Attendance certificates for continuing professional development use will be provided.
Cost of meeting – free.
Please rsvp to , and bring a plate to share for morning tea.
Please note – If attendees park at the venue for longer than 3 hours, parking permits will need to be ordered and paid for two weeks in advance of the meeting. Cost of permits – $5.50 with payment required by LifeTec Australia.
Dates and topics for 2018:
Speaker – Stephen Martin ( discussing mainstream Smart Assistive Technology solutions for older people and people with a disability.
The meeting will include a discussion of real life scenarios and innovative cost-effective solutions; and there will be problem solving and demonstration of off-the-shelf Smart AT products that can integrate with home modification solutions.
There will be a demonstration of apps and use voice control for: lighting, remote opener, alerts, monitoring; and discussion about Smart Hubs on the market – Amazon Echo, Google Home, Zwave (Vera) and Apple Siri.
For more information, please visit Hime Design for Living:
Sat 3 Mar 2018, 10:00 AM - 12:00 AM
LifeTec Australia, cnr Newmarket Road and Reading Road, Newmarket, Brisbane
Name Liz AinsworthLink -
Created 12th February 2018
Reads 3118