Published 20th March 2013
As you may be aware, Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) recently released its draft ‘Ageing, Disability and Home Care Service Charter’.
The purpose of this draft Service Charter is to outline the standard of service that people can expect from us when accessing our services.
Information in the draft ADHC Charter includes:
In addition to people accessing ADHC supports and services, their families, carers, guardians, advocates and ADHC staff, we would like to hear from NGOs and their staff via the Feedback Survey on the draft ADHC Service Charter which can be completed at ADHC’s website:
The purpose of the Feedback Survey is to collect your views on the draft ADHC Service Charter. The feedback you provide in the survey will help to inform the publication of the final ADHC Service Charter.
This survey should only take about 5-10 minutes of your time. All survey responses are anonymous and all information contained in the responses will be treated confidentially.
The survey is to be completed online by 20 March 2013. Alternatively, you can return printed surveys by email, fax or mail by 03 April 2013
If you would like to speak to someone to interpret this information, please phone the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.
For any questions about the draft ADHC Service Charter or about completing the Feedback Survey on the draft ADHC Service Charter please direct your enquiries to the ADHC Operational Policy Governance team by email at
For further information, contact 1300 136 067 or email at
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