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Webinar - Meeting the efficiency challenges in the NDIS

The webinar will include a comprehensive presentation and the opportunity to address questions. The recording, slides, questions and answers will be available after each session.

Course Information:

Substantially greater efficiency is needed under the NDIS, and this can be a barrier to many disability organisations delivering on their core values.  CUSP Services has experience in helping service providers with back office systems and the challenge of transitioning to the NDIS. 

The solution we have implemented covers:

  • Integrated CRM with NDIS customised workflows, dashboards and reporting
  • NDIA Portal support (service bookings and claims)
  • Workforce management (scheduling)
  • Functionality to support a highly mobile workforce (clocking, leave/availability mgt, tasks, case noting)
  • HR and payroll services to come

In the process of establishing CUSP services, we completed a deep dive on the requirements for service providers.  We created selection criteria and assessed the market.  This included the negotiation with the vendors. 

We have successfully transitioned a number of times and built the associated business processes.

We identified the associated team members, skills and the mix of capability needed. 

We setup the solution and proved it at scale. 

And made plenty of mistakes and learned lessons all along the way

Course Outcomes:

What will you have at the end of the webinar?

By the end of the webinar your organisation will have:

  • An understanding of the criteria used in assessing backoffice software solutions.  
  • A working knowledge of transition risks and considerations

Who is the webinar suitable for?

Meeting the efficiency challenges in the NDIS is suitable for not for profit and community organisations considering back office software solutions and the associated transition work. 


Tue 11 Dec 2018, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM


To register.


Link -

Created 21st November 2018

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