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Shaping the future, planning for homes in the Ageing World - seminar

Housing locality and engaging older people

As Australia grows older, how can we best plan for twenty-first century populations? Will our towns, cities and regional neighbourhoods adapt to pressures of growth, of climate change and of ageing populations? Do our housing options provide suitable choices for older people? Do older people have enough say in care and housing choices available and about the societies in which they live?

At an international seminar on Friday 17 June 2016 the keynote speakers will include Professor Chris Phillipson and Dr Tine Buffel from the UK. The first session will present European and Australian perspectives on what is happening to the neighbourhood, the erosion of home and local community and offer innovative proposals for new directions. The second session will look at engaging with older people to enhance outcomes. Join us to hear and discuss with our speakers these challenging policy issues which will shape the future for our ageing populations.


Fri 17 Jun 2016, 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM


Barnet Long Room, Customs House, 31 Alfred Street, Circular Quay SYDNEY, NSW


AAG & COTA Members: $25
Concession/Student (Member): $25
Non-Member: $35
Concession/Student (Non-Member): $35



Created 30th May 2016

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