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Ninth National Housing Conference - Perth

We invite you to join us at the biennial gathering of the housing clans as we co-host the ninth National Housing Conference in Perth from Wednesday 28 October to Friday 30 October 2015. Convened by AHURI in partnership with the Western Australian Department of Housing, the conference will open its doors to more than 800 delegates who will share, debate, celebrate and promote ideas to deliver affordable housing for all Australians.

The National Housing Conference 2015—opening doors… will mark ten years since the National Housing Conference was last held in Perth and it will provide a timely opportunity to visit a state firmly focused on developing innovative solutions to improve the supply of affordable housing options for all Western Australians. The National Housing Conference 2015 will be an inspiring experience for everyone who participates. Hosted in the city that has benefited from years of the mining boom, delegates will get a taste of the local features of the city, as well as an opportunity to network with industry leaders. For the first time the conference program will create experiences tailored to practice innovation, leadership opportunities and policy reform strategy.

The biennial National Housing Conferences are the single largest cross-sectoral gatherings in Australia for the social and affordable housing sectors.   Convened by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) and supported by all Australian governments, the conference provides a platform for sharing, debating, celebrating and promoting ideas to deliver affordable housing for all Australians.  

The Perth 2015 program will focus on practice innovation, leadership opportunities and policy reform strategy. It will combine a strong and relevant formal program of keynote presentations, concurrent sessions, ‘Think Tank’ conversations, workshops and site tours with informal opportunities to meet and interact with industry leaders, research experts and, most importantly, other delegates.   If you are interested in the delivery of affordable housing for all Australians—whether as a policy-maker, researcher, builder, financier, planner or housing and allied service provider, this is a must attend event for you.

Dr Nicola Brackertz
 Conference Program Manager
 Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
 T +61 3 9660 2300


Wed 28 Oct 2015 8:30 AM - Fri 30 Oct 2015 4:30 PM


Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre


Registration fees:


$1070 If purchased before March 31st

$1250 If purchased before June 30th

$1450 Standard  


$680 If purchased before March 31st

$725 If purchased before June 30th

$790 Standard  

Full-time students*


Sponsored tenants**


Additional exhibitor



Name Dr Nicola Brackertz
Phone +61 3 9660 2300
Link -

Created 30th January 2015

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