The term service integrated housing was originally developed to describe the various forms of purpose built housing for older people where the housing provider also delivers and/or arranges for the delivery of support and care services. It is has been identified as a third component of aged care in Australia, midway between community and residential care; overlapping with both these components.
Many service integrated housing providers, in both the for and not-for profit sectors, are also involved in these other programs, with a large part of the service component drawn from the Home and Community Care program and community care package programs.
Retirement villages and other forms of service integrated housing have developed in Australia over the past 30 years mainly through initiatives of the community and private sectors. The main form of service integrated housing in Australia is provided by Retirement Villages. According to the 2006 Census, some 130 000 older Australians lived in retirement villages. This statistic, when combined with other accommodation forms, is comparable to residential aged care (with 167 000 residents as of 2006).
With renewed government interest in Seniors Housing, key policy positions and strategies now need to be discussed to address questions such as the role of community and private sectors in providing service integrated housing, expanding the provision of service integrated housing to low-income, low-asset older people, the geographic distribution of services, principles and guidelines for the operation of service integrated housing and expanding the research evidence base…to name a few.
Attracting the most forward thinking and progressive professionals in the Age Services Industry, the National Service Integrated Housing Conference 2015 will attract owners, managers, practitioners, developers and policy makers from around the country; interested or involved in discussing these kinds of strategic questions regarding the accommodation and care provision for older Australians now and into the future.
This conference is directed towards owners, managers, practitioners, funders and policy makers interested or involved in accommodation and care provision for older Australians.
For more information, click here or phone Susie Tillotson on 07 5592 9800
Thu 7 May 2015 9:00 AM - Fri 8 May 2015 5:00 AM
Marriott Resort Surfers Paradise158 Ferny AvenueGold Coast, Queensland 4217Australia
Name Susie TillotsonPhone 07 5592 9800Link Attracting the most forward thinking and progressive
Created 16th April 2015
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