Keynote Presenter: Sarah Barton. Award winning producer of ‘Defiant lives’ a documentary that explores the history of the Disability Rights Movement
Target: Professionals with an interest in inclusive education and employment for people with complex learning needs and disability aged 15 years and over.
Workshop Streams
Educational Inclusion Practice
• Dept.of Education and Training 'Education for all'
• Communication for Inclusion in Education Environments
• Epilepsy and Education
Educational Inclusion Pathways
Best Practice in Career Planning for people with disability
Considerations in preparing for VET, TAFE and University
Diversity Pathways and Programs
Also included
The NDIS and the role of the Local Area Coordinator
Fri 1 Jun 2018, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Monash University, Peninsula Campus
Moorooduc Highway
Frankston, VIC 3199
Participant Registration Early Bird Registrations $100, full fee $150.
Stallholder Registration (Stalls will be open during lunch break) $50
Name Sally BaileyPhone (03) 9784 0400, -
Created 10th May 2018
Reads 2037