Smart Assistive Technology (AT) workshops What is Smart Technology? And how can it be used in your organisation to assist client outcomes and service efficiency?
Some of the topics this free workshop will explore:• GPS Tracking Devices• Medication Management• Emergency Call Systems – Supplier or Purchaser Monitored • Smart Home Control - Plugs & Lights, Door Opening & Bell Options• Understanding Applications (Apps) • Apps for Carers, Wheelchair Users, Safety Monitoring, Health Management, Prompting and Scheduling, Sensory Enhancement
Join us as we show what is available and the practical applications Smart AT has for your clients and your organisation.
Funded by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, and supported by local assistive technology developers and distributors, the workshops will clearly define Smart AT and discuss its application using local examples and case studies that are successfully engaging Smart AT.
Designed as hands-on sessions for service staff and managers, the workshops will offer ample opportunity to become familiar with Smart AT and its potential applications.
Upcoming events:
BrisbaneTuesday, 23 June Register Now
IpswichTuesday, 7 July 2015 Register Now
For more information, go to for more information.
Tue 2 Jun 2015, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
QLD various locations
Name Liz AisworthPhone (07) 3552 9000Link
Created 22nd May 2015
Reads 2275