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Housing Congress 2011

The annual Housing Congress has consistently presented the issues and challenges facing the Australian housing sector. Once again it remains the only comprehensive conference program addressing the many complicities of the industry from a wide array of critical perspectives and key viewpoints.

With an international Keynote presentation from Jeff Hebert, Director of Blight Policy and Neighbourhood Reconstruction, the City of New Orleans, Louisiana USA

Speaking on: Post Katrina recovery in New Orleans: The Housing situation then and now.

The 6th Annual Housing Congress is set to cover emerging and existing challenges in the housing industry. Topics will be explored through specific case studies and expert analysis. Some of the topics to be covered include:

* Australia’s demographic challenges

* Housing shortage crises and homelessness

* Economic factors acting on market conditions

* The impact of government land regulation

* The role of local government

* Sustainable building codes

* Rethinking public housing

* Building codes regarding disaster prone areas

* Housing stress in regional and rural areas

* Changing the business model of community housing

* The National remote Indigenous Housing Program

* Cut backs on the NRAS scheme

* Embracing greater population density

* NSW changes to “Special Uses” zoning

* Financing competition in the Australian mortgage market

Some of our confirmed speakers include:

* Rebecca Oelkers, Business Development Manager, Brisbane Housing Company

* Dr Alan Moran, Director, Deregulation Unit, Institute of Public Affairs

* Harley Dale, Chief Economist, Housing Industries Australia

* Robert Papaleo, Director of Strategic Research Business Unit, Charter Keck

* Ben Phillips, Senior Research Fellow, National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling

For information and bookings, visit the conference website


Tue 28 Jun 2011 - Wed 29 Jun 2011 (All day)


Stamford Plaza Brisbane



varies, see website for details. Early Bird prices before 30/04


Name Informa conference customer service
Phone +61 2 9080 4307
Link -

Created 14th April 2011

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