The Campaign to Reform NDIS and its package of 15 reform measures have arisen from the deliberations of people with disabilities, families and friends, support organisations, researchers and policy makers over the past two years, facilitated by Civil Society Australia. The Campaign has set itself the goal of influencing elected representatives in the Federal Parliament to commit to reforming NDIS before the current structure and culture of the scheme become entrenched. This Conference on 3-4 September will seek broad input into the NDIS reform process. It will present papers and workshops on current practices and proposed improvements or alternatives to them. It seeks additional reform proposals, and invites campaign ideas for building broad public support for transformational change.
People with disabilities, families, friends, support organisations, community groups, services, policy makers and elected representatives are invited to contribute to this people-driven process to ensure NDIS delivers on the promise to Revolutionise Disability Services.
CLICK HERE to express an interest in presenting a paper or workshop, a proposal for reform, or a campaign idea.
CLICK HERE to participate in the Campaign.
Mon 3 Sep 2018 - Tue 4 Sep 2018Mon 3: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PMTue 4: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
The Angliss Conference Centre is located in the Melbourne CBD, on the corner of LaTrobe and King Streets, on the fifth floor.
CLICK HERE to register for the conference
Name Civil Society AustraliaLink National Conference on Fixing NDIS in Melbourne on 3-4 September 2018
Created 26th July 2018
Reads 3077