Festival of International Conferences on Caregiving, Disability, Aging and Technology - FICCDAT 2011 FICCDAT 2011 will bring together six important and different conferences all focused on enhancing the lives of seniors, persons with disabilities and their family caregivers.
Between June 5-8, 2011 rehabilitation, social and health services providers, government policy makers, researchers, family caregivers, students, seniors and persons with disabilities from around the world will gather in Toronto, Canada to explore issues facing aging populations, the implications for healthcare systems and service providers, the roles and responsibilities of family caregivers and policy and how new research findings and technologies are leading new and practical solutions.
For more information click here:
For registration and pricing information click here:
Sun 5 Jun 2011 - Wed 8 Jun 2011 (All day)
The entire Festival will be located at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel. Please click here to visit their website.
Link https://www.confmanager.com/main.cfm?cid=1559&nid=13445
Created 28th January 2010
Reads 3282