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Cultural Competency in Disability’ Conference 2015

We’re pleased to announce that registrations are now open for the ‘Cultural Competency in Disability’ Conference.

This is an essential event for those who value cultural competency and want to see the disability sector move beyond ‘tick a box’ ways of working with diversity, to one that is better equipped to work with diverse people with disability in a changing and increasingly competitive environment.

To register or for more information please click here:

Places are limited so register as soon as possible to ensure you don’t miss out!

Contact:  02 8585 1313



Wed 29 Jul 2015 9:00 AM - Thu 30 Jul 2015 4:00 PM


Northcott Conference and Function Centre

1 Fennell Street, North Parramatta


NSW delegates:
Day 1 and 2 $275
Day 1 only $165
Workshops each $82.50

Interstate Delegates:
Day 1 and 2 $550
Day 1 only $330
Workshops each $165



Name Natalie
Phone 02 8585 1313

Created 24th June 2015

Reads 3376