This webinar will focus on the use of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for older adults, including those living with dementia. The research outcome data supporting CBT in late-life mental health conditions and dementia is slowly increasing, however contextual understanding of working with staff and families is essential. This presentation addresses the opportunities, barriers and modifications required to provide this model of care to older adults with and without dementia. Research and case studies are discussed, with a particular focus on practical applications of CBT.
About the Presenter:
Dr Deborah Koder is a clinical psychologist who has been working clinically with older adults for the past 30 years, including in residential aged care and in rehabilitation services. She has worked as the mental health lead for a large aged care provider and now is also involved in research studies evaluating cognitive behavioural treatment programs for residents through Swinburne’s Wellbeing Clinic for Older Adults. Deborah has a passion for clinical teaching and is a senior supervisor within the Wellbeing Clinic’s telehealth and ELATE programs. She is a lecturer in psychology at Swinburne University, and has published widely on the application of cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with depression and anxiety. Her contribution to clinical psychology and ageing was recently recognised through being awarded the Australian Psychological Society’s Alistair Heron prize.
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Fri 17 Mar 2023, 4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Created 7th March 2023
Reads 913