The conference provides an opportunity for delegates to explore best practice, innovation, policy, research and initiatives in carer support.
Conference Audience
The Carers NSW 2018 Biennial Conference brings together professionals from a broad range of areas including:
Conference Focus
The focus of the conference for 2018 is how we future proof carer support.
The social welfare landscape has been one of significant reform over the last few years. Continued change is expected and presents the need to think differently about the delivery and design of carer services and supports in this rapidly changing environment. The challenge for us in policy development, governance and service provision is in developing and translating innovative ideas and strategies for carer support that continue to recognise and retain the value of carers and promotes their inclusion and connection to services and to each other.
The conference will focus on three core themes:
Connectivity: developing and utilising technology and innovative practice in connecting carers to services and supports, information and importantly to each other
Inclusion: enhancing inclusion and promotion of choice and participation in education, employment, community and social activities
Resilience: recognising and building the capabilities of carers and their networks to navigate complex service systems, and manage the financial and emotional challenges of caring.
Thu 11 Oct 2018 - Fri 12 Oct 2018Fri 12: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PMThu 11: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Novotel Sydney Olympic Park
Registration is now open. For registration and ticket information go to
Conference registration will close Wednesday 3 October 2018.
Name Sarah Judd-LamPhone 02 9280 4744Email Carers NSW 2018 Biennial Conference
Created 26th September 2018
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